Today I start off with a new branch on the tree of my career, directing. I haven’t done it before, but the good folks at Audivita have given me a pretty good education on how to do it, and I’m sure I’ll do just fine. And I don’t plan on being like the teacher from Whiplash, either.
Another fun addition is editing and mastering Amanda (my wife)’s audiobooks. She’s been doing a bang-up job, and has given me a little more directing experience, before I dive in.
I love all facets of this job, the mastering and editing portions included–there’s something fascinating about being able to take the sound of someone’s voice and be able to take it from its raw state into something ready for the listener. Whether it’s adding depth to the voice, having to alter it, getting rid of background noise, the tech out there for this stuff is just incredible.
So, currently working on 3 books, and 2 are due at the end of this month. A backlog is a good problem to have in this business.